Sharing Different Types of Media in Chat Rooms

There are so many tools available in modern chat rooms. It makes it very convenient to share just about any type of media that you want to see. You can send text, photos, videos, screenshots, and even audio files.
Why would you want to do this? Well, keep reading to find out!
Meme Sharing
Memes are funny images that will make you laugh. Some are totally outlandish and others relate to things in your everyday life. Memes are usually in a JPG file format and you can find them all over the internet. Sometimes people post memes because they are funny but other times they post them as a reaction to something someone else said instead of using words. That’s because they can show a reaction through humor, which makes the whole conversation light and silly.
GIFs are a Gift
These are GIF files and animated images that are not necessarily videos. It’s usually a rather short clip from a movie, TV show or cartoon. People often use them more often than memes for reactions because they accurately show what you’re thinking. GIFs come from all sorts of different media including things from modern times and things from earlier. Sometimes a GIF is funny because of what is in it, and sometimes it’s because of the character or actor who is in it!
YouTube Clips
There are so many videos on the ‘net and now you can share them easily in a chat room. If you ever wanted to learn how to do something, watching it on a video is a great way to do so. You can also learn a lot about current events, history, or other cultures when you watch videos online. Sharing videos is a great way to answer peoples’ questions in chat rooms or show them something that they might be interested in.
Video Chatting
If you want to chat online, you might be disappointed that you can’t actually see someone. Well, video chat has made it so that you can talk to people face to face online. If you haven’t tried video chat before, it can make it a lot easier to make friends online because it makes for quicker connections. You can read and chat with people but that’s a bit boring compared to talking to someone in a video chat. Using video to chat is a great way to take a special online relationship to the next level!
About The Author. — Chatdrop is an expert in communication and contributor to Joingy, a chat app to meet strangers. Visit their Official Blog for guides on similar chat topics.